
Attn: Seniors 

Click HERE for all 2023 Yearbook Information 


The option to purchase Chromebook insurance is extended until October 2nd.  There are options for purchasing insurance for one, two, or three years to cover things like accidental damage and theft that would otherwise be the responsibility of the family.  If you are interested in purchasing optional insurance for your student’s Chromebook, please click here for more information.

Important Upcoming Dates

  • October 1 - SAT's  (7:45AM)
  • October 5 - Yom  Kippur (No School)
  • October 6 -BHS Flu Clinic 8:00-12:00 (Students/Faculty/Staff Only) Please register beforehand
  • October 7 - Picture/Makeups 
  • October 10 - Indigenous Peoples' Day (No School)
  • October 12 - PSAT/NMSQT (8:30AM) Grade 11
  • October 12 - School Improvement Team (4:00PM)
  • October 12 - Booster Club (7:00PM)
  • October 13 - Music Fall Showcase(7:00)
  • October 14 - Pep Rally/Homecoming Fair 
  • October 15 - Homecoming Dance (7:00-10:00PM)
  • October 19 - Senior Assembly "Circle and Silence"  (9:30 AM)
  • October 22 - ACT's (8:00AM)
  • October 26 - College Financial (6:30 PM) 
  • October 27 - Music-Coffee House (5:00-9:00PM)

Grade 11 - PSAT 

On Wednesday, October 12th, Juniors will have the opportunity to take the in-school PSAT-National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test.  This assessment costs $25 payable on the BHS website using "MySchoolBucks".  This will be the ONLY method of payment accepted.  Registration is open now and will stay open until Friday, October 7th.

If you have any questions, please reach out to your school counselor or to Mrs. Scanlon.   

Important Links:

WORKING PAPERS   - Working papers can be obtained in the School Counseling office.  Please see Mrs. Lamanna for details.


  • Parents are asked to call the office  or send in a note with your child to be dropped off in the main office no later than 9:00am  with any dismissals, tardies, or absences. We ask that you do not call at the time that you want your child dismissed.  Advance notice allows the office staff time to update the database alerting teachers of daily attendance ahead of their arrival or departure  
  • All students are required to sign out before leaving the building.  Students will enter and exit through the front entrance only
  • If students are not feeling well, they should go to see the nurse who will evaluate the situation and then call home. This allows the nurse the opportunity to monitor health trends
  • Any student who is participating in a sport, club or afterschool activity must be in on time (8:30a.m.) and remain in school the entire day


  • If your child tests positive for COVID, please call the office with their absence  so the office can document it.   Please also email or call nurse, Tammy Lafreniere at Lafrenieret@barringtonschools.org or 247-3155 as well
  • Students can return on Day 6 if they are fever free and will need to wear a mask for the next 5 days.