The Interact Club is an organization whose major purpose is to provide students with opportunities to work together in a world fellowship dedicated to service and international understanding. This club is jointly sponsored by Barrington High School and the Rotary Club of Warren. To become a member, students must possess good character and leadership potential. Each year the club undertakes projects, two of which are designed to serve the school or community and to promote international understanding. The club generally meets twice per month.
What is the Interact Club?
The Interact Club is a Rotary-sponsored service club that gives high school students an opportunity to participate in fun, meaningful service projects to help the community. During the process, students involved with Interact Club develop their leadership skills and learn to take initiative while making new friends.
Our Mission:
The purpose of the Interact Club is to help members develop leadership skills and personal integrity, demonstrate respect for others and a strong work ethic, all while embracing the values of individual responsibility and community outreach, as well as advancing their international understanding and goodwill.
What Does the Interact Club Do?
Interact Club organizes and sponsor a range of projects and events within the Barrington community to better our and other communities. Over the years, we have organized various events, giving BHS students a chance to engage in community service and help others. BHS Interact Club also contributes volunteers to local fundraisers, events and charities to the benefit of our community.
How to Get Involved:
Interact Club meetings are held biweekly and students are encouraged to join; at any point in the year. At our meetings we discuss volunteering opportunities for our members as well as fundraisers or events that the club will be hosting in the near future.
To learn more, please visit our Facebook Group Page "Barrington High School's Interact Club" or attend one of our meetings, all of which are publicized.
Our Google Classroom code is: 87oag1j
Our Email is: bhs-interact@barringtonschools.org