
Updated 2021-2022 transportation schedule will go into effect on Monday, November 15, 2021. 

Over the last few weeks, my office conducted a review of Barrington’s most current student ridership data.  As a result, we are able to make an additional reduction to ridership eligibility for secondary-level students from 1.5 miles to 1.3 miles, beginning on Monday, November 15, 2021.

Updated information regarding transportation schedules and bus stop locations have been adjusted.  Please check your student account information in the Student Information System (Aspen) by Monday to see if your child’s bus assignment has changed.  See below for additional Aspen inquiry directions:  

• To determine if your child is eligible to receive bus transportation, please access the Student Demographics page in Aspen. 

• Once in Aspen, click on “Family,” then your child’s name, then “Demographics” should be the first tab you can view. 

• From the Demographics page, you can access information regarding your child’s eligibility, bus number, stop and estimated pick up and drop off time. 

• If you have difficulty logging in to Aspen, or do not have login information, please contact X2help@barringtonschools.org .  

If your child was assigned a bus and is currently riding a bus this year, they will continue to have access to transportation for the rest of the school year

For those of you who have pending individual transportation concerns, we will continue to conduct safety reviews and provide you with a response as soon as possible.

To request a safety review regarding a bus stop or route complete our 2021-2022 Bus Stop Safety Request Form which can be found here.  

If you have any questions regarding student transportation, please contact our Transportation Coordinator who will assist you.