Diversity, Equity, and Inclusivity Committee


DEI meetings are scheduled for the third or fourth Monday of every month at 6:00 at BMS.

Agenda will be published on the Attorney General Website and linked on this page 48 hours before each meeting in accordance with Rhode Island Open Meeting Laws.

The next DEI meeting will take place on:

Monday, January 27, 2025

6:00 P.M. at Barrington Middle School

Meeting dates for the 2024-2025 school year are: November 18, December 16, January 27, February 24, March 24, April 21, and May 19

welcome in different languages


In 2016, the District established  this DEI Committee to analyze our policies and practices for structural, implicit, and explicit biases; develop hiring methods that engage a diverse talent pool; and work on inclusive communication strategies. The Committee will champion the Barrington Public School District's commitment to cultural diversity, equity, inclusivity, trust, and mutual respect.

2023-2024 AREAS OF FOCUS

The work of the DEI Committee is instrumental in defining and supporting our commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusivity.  The District has targeted the following critical areas for 2022-2023:

  1. Increase professional development for staff on anti-racist and culturally relevant and responsive pedagogies, practices, and curricula.

  2. Engage in community outreach and anti-racism training.

  3. Prioritize the recruitment and retention of candidates from underrepresented backgrounds.

  4. Champion and elevate student voice in our diversity, equity, and inclusivity agenda.

  5. Revisit policy and systems, at all levels, to remove any discriminatory, inequitable, or structural barriers.

  6. Support staff who embody anti-racist and inclusive pedagogies and practices.

  7. Respond directly, swiftly, and transparently to acts of racism, bigotry, and bias by staff, students, administrators, or community members.

  8. Strengthen and prioritize the work of our Diversity, Equity, and Inclusivity Committee.


Barrington Public Schools has partnered with the Center for Leadership & Educational Equity (CLEE) to conduct a collaborative equity audit of diversity, equity, inclusion, belonging, and access in the District. Review documents related to the audit and post-audit action steps below.






Formed a culturally relevant and responsive curriculum working group for Barrington High School that includes teachers, students, and an outside expert.

Replaced ELA curriculum for grades 2-5 with E.L. Education.

Replaced ELA curriculum for grades K-1.

Partnered with an outside consultant to provide training on diversity and implicit bias to our School Committee, educators, and parents.

Completed pilot for Middle School ELA curriculum that takes a humanities approach.

Replaced P.K. curriculum with the Boston Public Schools Curriculum.

High School working group began ongoing work of analyzing and editing the curriculum for cultural relevance and responsiveness.

Anchored Middle School ELA curriculum using the Wit and Wisdom curriculum.


Committee Members

W. Frazier Bell, co-chair

Tim McNamara, co-chair

Audrey Adams, Jennifer Armstrong, Gina Bae, Leah Bae, Amanda Basse, Kate Benoit, Matthew Boyd, Jacob Brier, Ruth Corley, Emma Dosa, Meredith Dove, Athena Gao, Katie Goldman, Heidi Harris, Addy Jay, Sonalya Jayasuriya, Amy Karageorgos Farkas, Shakhnoza Kayumova, Curtis Mann, Keelin Philippe, Margarite Robledo, Adam Rodriquez-Dunn, Allison Scanlon, Stacey Siravo-Bazin, Indrani Solomon