Backpack Express

Good morning,

Today’s Backpack Express is ready for your reading pleasure:

  • Third Grade State Testing:  As was previously mentioned in a Backpack Express, state testing with grade three students will be coming up soon.  April 8 and 9 will be the ELA assessment; May 13 and 14, math assessment.  If your child is not in school on a testing day, they will be pulled out of class in order to make up the missed assessment.

  • Second and Third Grade Play:  PTO and Arts Alive will be offering our yearly play for second and third graders.  Registration for the play is now open.  Once rehearsals start, students will participate on either Monday or Wednesday.  Much more information may be found on this information sheet from Arts Alive.

  • School-Wide Community Service Project:  From now through March 8, 2024, Sowams School is collecting various items for the Izzy Foundation located at Hasbro Children’s Hospital.  We are collecting craft items, new games, new puzzles, and travel-sized hygiene products.  There is a box in the foyer of our school for donated items.  More information about our community service project may be found here.   

  • Upcoming No School Days:

    • March 22, 2024:  Professional Development for Faculty/Staff

    • March 29, 2024:  Good Friday

    • April 2, 2024:  Primary Day in Rhode Island

    • April 10, 2024:  Eid Al-Fitr

  • March Holidays:  The district DEIB committee has put together a presentation on various holidays and celebrations for the month of March.  You may access that here.  

  • Community Notices:  There is a notice about an upcoming event at the Barrington Public Library.

Have a wonderful day.


Jim Callahan


Sowams School Mission: Everyone learns every day.

Sowams School Vision: Sowams School will engage students to be their best selves.